Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump Review

After using a hospital-grade electric double pump, I wanted something more natural and less ‘high-tech’. After all, I’m doing a natural job like breastfeeding so I didn’t feel too comfortable using electric equipment for it.
Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump
The Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump has made breast pumping a comfortable and natural experience. It costs a lot less than an electric pump and produces the same, if not better, results.

1. Comfortable – the shield feels great and you have complete control over the suction level by simply squeezing the lever.
2. Efficient – I usually get 4oz in about 5 minutes, depending on how hard I pull the lever. It gets the flow going and gets the job done very quickly.
3. Simple – it’s so easy to assemble and use. You pretty much just plug and pump.
4. Convenient – I love how portable and small it is. I can use it anywhere. With an electric one, I’d need to look for sockets first and using it in the car is definitely out of the question. With this manual pump, I can use it on road trips with no hassle or mess.

1. Squeaky – it starts off fairly quiet then starts to make a slight squeaking sound. It’s quite bearable, though I can imagine some mothers may find it annoying.
2. One breast at a time – obviously being a single pump, you can only do one side at a time. Mothers rushing for time might find this a con. Personally, it feels more natural than double pumping.

This is a wonderful product that’s durable, convenient and efficient. I would definitely recommend that you try the Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump first before taking the plunge on very expensive electric pumps.


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